Activity Requirement
We have a requirement for each guild member of 4000 guild activity points per week. Right now, about 25 of our 30 guild members are already meeting this goal. I plan to check the statistics at the end of the guild day on Friday.
Especially with the new guild raid and Ascension mode, every member needs to be doing their best to level up. There is flexibility in this requirement for vacations and things coming up IRL. Just let me know as soon as possible if something is going on with you.
This requirement is meant to be achievable for free to play members who are putting in a solid effort. To see how you are doing, click the reward tab on the guild screen as shown below.
Then click on stats and presents:
Check your total on the activity tab:
There are multiple ways to get activity points. The easiest one is to enchant 1 glyph per day for 700 points. Using energy on campaign missions, and exchanging items are other ways to earn points.
More activity per day means more rewards. We hope to get the first 2 reward levels each day.
The 9 runes of 100 enchantment points each are worth about 800 emeralds per day. And more guild master presents mean more are available to hand out.
See these links for videos with more information about getting Activity Points and Titanite.